Personal Finance: Mini Book Review: The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke, by Suze Orman
In writing Thriving in Sex Work: Sex Work and Money, I read dozens of personal finance books. This blog series consists of reviews of books I think sex workers could benefit from. I’m aware, however, that nearly all personal finance books aren’t geared towards the specific issues sex workers face. So I’ve done my best to provide a down-and-dirty roadmap of what to expect— the good and the bad, and why I think any particular book might be useful to you.
The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke, by Suze Orman
I recommend this book to: Anyone under the age of 35.
Because: Nobody does the basics better.
Action Verbs: Saving, budgeting, paying off debt, investing, planning for retirement
Key Takeaways: If you want to learn more about improving your credit score, paying off student loans, avoiding filing for bankruptcy protection, managing credit to buy a car or a house, or investing in retirement accounts, head straight on over to Suze.
Heartfelt to Practical Ratio: 1:2
Strengths: She gets pretty real about working out of serious financial trouble, including crushing credit card and student loan debt. Great informal style, it feels like she’s talking directly to you, and she touches on just about every aspect of personal finance.
Trigger warnings: Her worldview is bougie and square, leaning heavily on the assumptions that you work for someone else, have an employee-matched retirement plan, and are looking to buy a house one day.
Learn more at: Her website is terrific—constantly updated. A true treasure trove of sound financial advice.