Media Training

Media Training For Sex Workers

A terrific 46-minute video on how to talk about sex work to the press. What to research, how to prepare, from the Woodhall Freedom Foundation.

Sex Worker Advocacy Groups

These organizations, to the best of my knowledge, are pro-sex work.

Adult Performers Advocacy Committee (APAC) 

Advocating to maintain and improve safety and working conditions in the adult film industry by giving adult performers organized representation in matters that affect health, safety, and community.

They provide loads of terrific resources, including their Performer Bill of Rights and Performer Code of Conduct.

Desiree Alliance 

A diverse, sex worker-led network of organizations, communities and individuals across the US working in harm reduction, direct services, political advocacy and health services for sex workers.

Amnesty International

After years of study all over the world, AI has come out with a passionate, research-based policy proposal for full decriminalization of all sex work, while advocating for fierce legal penalties for human/sex/child trafficking. Here's their exact language:

"[Amnesty International] recommends the decriminalization of consensual sex work, including those laws that prohibit associated activities—such as bans on buying, solicitation and general organization of sex work. This is based on evidence that these laws often make sex workers less safe and provide impunity for abusers, with sex workers often too scared of being penalized to report crime to the police. Laws on sex work should focus on protecting people from exploitation and abuse, rather than trying to ban all sex work and penalize sex workers.

The policy reinforces Amnesty International’s position that forced labor, child sexual exploitation and human trafficking are abhorrent human rights abuses requiring concerted action and which, under international law, must be criminalized in every country." Amen.

The pushback has been... well, let's call it spirited.

Another useful policy paper is their My Body, My Rights campaign, worth checking out, advocating for the freedom to live the sexual life of one's choosing.

Sex Workers Outreach Project (S.W.O.P.) 

National social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.

SWOP Behind Bars

SWOP's new project to support women, including transwomen, in prison.

SWARM (Sex Worker Advocacy & Resistance movement; Formerly Sex Worker Open University)

Sex worker advocacy located in the U.K.

Bay Area Sex Workers Education Network (BaySWAN) 

Academic, political and occupational safety/health information for use in sex work policy.

Best Practices Policy (BPPP) 

Dedicated to supporting organizations and advocates working with sex workers, people in the sex trade and related communities in the U.S. 

Espler Project Inc. 

Community-based erotic service provider-led group which seeks to empower the erotic community and advance sexual privacy rights through legal advocacy, education, and research.

Lambda Legal Advocacy for Full Citizenship Rights for LGBTQ

Sex worker positive.