Special Post: Slixa's $10,000 Essay Contest on the Effects of FOSTA/SESTA
Hey there, Sexy Workers! This is Tyler Dårlig Ulv (@tylerthebadwolf on twitter), and the ever-glamorous Lola Davina has been generous enough to lend me controls of her blog today so I can tell you about something pretty cool.
If you’re here and you’re reading this, you already know that Lola’s whole thing is: self care, self care, & self care. And that’s amazing. There’s nobody else out there advocating for YOU in quite that same way.
While there are plenty of internal (say – procrastination) and external (who has the time!) impediments to good self care practices, we can probably all agree that no impediments to thriving should be legally imposed on you. What the signing of the FOSTA-SESTA package into law earlier this year in the US did was to promote a climate where self care suddenly became exponentially more difficult for a great number of people. There were suddenly so many other things about which to think!
I mean, doesn’t it make it just that much harder to engage in mind-body-emotion check-ins, or worry about how you’ll file and pay taxes, when you suddenly lose access to advertising and social media platforms? Or when your payment or banking options are suddenly held hostage by startling new ToS agreements? When you aren’t even certain that your personal website is safe from censorship?
I’m not saying all of this to sound scary or imposing, and if you’ve been paying attention, none of it should come as news to you. But there is some hope: Slixa.com has decided to offer up $10,000 USD in cash awards for essays about the ways FOSTA-SESTA is already impacting you and your community. Submissions will be open from December 14, 2018, to January 14, 2019, so there’s time – but not much!
What’s more, Slixa is offering matching charitable contributions to provider outreach and service organizations, to be designated by the winning entrants.
So if your essay is selected, not only will you get a share of that $10,000 pot, but an organization from this list (or one you think should be on that list) will receive a matching cash donation to help continue their work. That’s a big deal!
Don’t let changes in rules or threatening talk about what those rules mean prevent you from looking out for number one. We need you here, and we need you safe and thriving.
The first thing you should buy with your contest winnings? This bad boy.
Full contest details and how to enter can be found here.
Tyler is a writer, blogger, and general naked internet person. He lives in Toronto and you can find out more about him here.